
木曜日, 6月 19, 2008


like finally... mah gawd x.X
we were supposed to be doing 2 scenes today, so i expected us to finish at least by 5 if we're starting off at 11. but oh boy... x.x

we went to pau's house, and there was a preg cat! xD she kept rubbing herself on anything she walks pass lol. and is friendly to everybody lol. i really like her, but when she dips and rubs her head on my foot, i'm still a lil freaked >_<

when the whole thing was fiiiinally over, we went to some place for dinner "celebration". they had some promo from 9pm onwards, and we checked our watch to see that it was 9 on the dot LOL! quite a nice meal considering that i only had a bun for the whole day... lol... then i finally finally finally took out the モチto share with the guys (sad lauri had to go home for his dinner, but its okay, he can have the remains xD LOL). and wow, NONE of them ever had one before! =O it sure was a funny sight seeing them trying them out lololol xD

oh! im starting to get my appetite back! though of course its still not back full force yet... but yeah... at least its getting better =/ めい!確りして!もとに戻れ!頑張れ!悲しいのはもちろんだけど、こんなになったら自分に何の有利もない!自分より自分を愛してる人はナ。イ。無いんだ!

spilt it.
posted by mei- at 12:30 午前



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